United States Lift Covid Travel Restrictions
Traveling to the U.S is now open as the U.S starts welcoming back visitors after a ban of more than 18 months on 15.11.2021, Monday. It has opened doors for visitors to a lot of nations, like- Mexico, Canada, and most European nations. So, if you have been waiting to take your long-awaited vacations, or reunite with family members after being separated for such a long time due to travel restrictions, then it is the perfect time to book your flight. All About the US Covid-19 Travel Ban End Beginning from 15th November, 2021, the United States will allow fully vaccinated visitors at airports and land ports, removing a COVID-19 ban imposed by the Donald Trump administration. As per the new policies & guidelines, if a traveler has proof of vaccination and a negative COVID-19 test result, they are allowed air travel from previously banned nations. Traveling by land from Mexico and Canada will necessitate only the proof of Covid Vaccine. The shift will have a significant impact ...